Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wrap Up

Yes this progarm has been a good experience. I never thought I would have a blog, and probably won't after this. Now at least I have an idea of some social networks, otherwise I probably would not have taken the time to look at them on my own. I enjoy Google Reader and still use it. Thank you Mary Golden.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I opened an account and added books on LibraryThing. I think the only way I would use it, at this time, is just to keep a list of books I have read.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I went to iTunes and I added the RSS feed to "Longshots: Library-Related Commentary and Interviews" to my Google Reader subscriptions. The podcast is commentary and interviews from Sarah Long, the North Suburban Library System director of over 650 libraries in the north/northwest suburbs of Chicago. She is pleasant to listen to, has interesting topics and I plan to go back and listen to more of her podcasts.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


What I notice about using technology is that time flies when I am on a computer, talking on the phone, texting ( I know some people are really fast at it, but not me), etc. Technology can make things easier and quicker, but it usually takes up more of my time.

Friday, September 25, 2009

You Tube - Arlington: The Rap

I chose this video because it is hilarious. We lived near the Arlington area for 4 years. I hope you don't have to be from Northern Virginia or the D.C. area to see how funny this video is. I couldn't fit the whole video in my blog even after I changed the width and height, and I didn't want to change my template. So, this is the best I could do.

Sandy Hook, NJ

Sandy Hook, NJ
Originally uploaded by photobug56
Many years ago we lived at the Coast Guard base on Sandy Hook, N.J. and this is a picture of the Visitor Center there. Sandy Hook is part of a peninsula that is surrounded by Lower New York Bay on the east side and the Atlantic Ocean on the west and it's only about one mile wide. Looking at photos on Flickr brought back good memories of that place.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Microblogging is more my style. I joined Yammer and looked around and I liked the short, get to the point posts about work.